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Pipeline Pro vs ClickFunnels: Which Sales Funnel Builder is Right for Your Business 2024?

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  • Post last modified:September 11, 2024

In the world of digital marketing, choosing the right sales funnel builder can significantly impact your business’s success. Among the top contenders, Pipeline Pro vs ClickFunnels have gained substantial attention. This article provides an in-depth comparison of these two platforms, helping you decide which is the best fit for your business. We’ll explore their features, pricing, ease of use, and more, ensuring you have a comprehensive understanding of each tool.

Pipeline Pro vs ClickFunnels

What is Pipeline Pro?

Pipeline Pro is a sales funnel builder that focuses on providing businesses with extensive customization options and powerful features tailored to their specific needs. It is particularly popular among small to medium-sized businesses that require more control over their sales processes. With Pipeline Pro, you can create detailed sales funnels, manage customer relationships, and analyze funnel performance all within a single platform.

Pipeline Pro vs ClickFunnels

What is ClickFunnels?

ClickFunnels, on the other hand, is designed to simplify the process of building sales funnels. It offers pre-designed templates, a drag-and-drop editor, and a wide range of integrated tools, making it a favorite among marketers and entrepreneurs looking for a quick and easy way to launch effective sales funnels. The debate of Pipeline Pro vs ClickFunnels is often centered on this balance between customization and ease of use.

Pipeline Pro vs ClickFunnels

Key Features Comparison

Funnel Building and Customization

FeaturePipeline ProClickFunnels
Drag-and-Drop EditorYes, but with a steeper learning curveYes, very user-friendly
Pre-designed TemplatesFewer templates, more customizationExtensive library of templates
One-Click Upsells/DownsellsYesYes
Custom FieldsExtensive customizationLimited customization
Membership Site CreationAvailableAvailable

Pipeline Pro allows for more in-depth customization of your sales funnels. It provides users with the ability to modify almost every aspect of their funnels, from custom fields to the overall design. This flexibility is ideal for businesses with specific needs that aren’t met by generic templates.

ClickFunnels, however, shines in its ease of use. The platform’s extensive library of pre-designed templates means you can quickly build and launch funnels without needing any design or coding skills. If speed and simplicity are your priorities, ClickFunnels is the clear winner in this category.

Pricing Structure



Pricing is a critical factor for many businesses when choosing a sales funnel builder. Pipeline Pro offers a more flexible pricing model, including a one-time payment option for lifetime access. This can be a more cost-effective solution for businesses looking to avoid ongoing monthly fees.

ClickFunnels operates on a subscription basis, with plans ranging from $97 to $297 per month. While more expensive, the platform’s extensive feature set and support might justify the cost, especially for businesses that can leverage its advanced tools. The choice between Pipeline Pro vs ClickFunnels often comes down to these pricing and feature considerations.

Ease of Use

Both platforms cater to different types of users:

  • Pipeline Pro: Ideal for those who are technically savvy or have specific customization needs. The platform offers a steep learning curve, but the payoff is greater control over your funnels.
  • ClickFunnels: Perfect for beginners or those who prioritize ease of use. The intuitive drag-and-drop editor and pre-built templates allow you to create funnels quickly without needing any prior experience.

Automation and Integration

FeaturePipeline ProClickFunnels
Email Marketing AutomationYes, with basic triggersYes, with Actionetics
CRM IntegrationYes, built-in CRMYes, basic CRM functionality
Third-Party IntegrationsExtensive, over 6000 apps via ZapierExtensive, but more focused
A/B TestingYesYes

When it comes to automation and integration, both Pipeline Pro and ClickFunnels offer robust options. Pipeline Pro integrates with a wide range of third-party apps, allowing you to connect with over 6000 other platforms through Zapier. This makes it an excellent choice for businesses with complex workflows.

ClickFunnels also provides strong integration capabilities, with a focus on seamless connections to popular marketing tools. Its built-in email marketing automation tool, Actionetics, is a standout feature, allowing users to create and manage email campaigns directly within the platform.

Customer Support and Training

FeaturePipeline ProClickFunnels
Customer SupportEmail and online chat supportEmail, online chat, and phone support
Training ResourcesExtensive documentation, weekly webinarsExtensive knowledge base, active community, webinars
Success Stories and Case StudiesAvailable, primarily small-medium businessesAvailable, wide range of industries

Both platforms offer strong customer support and training resources. Pipeline Pro provides users with comprehensive documentation, weekly webinars, and personalized support to help them get the most out of the platform. This level of support is particularly beneficial for users who may require additional help navigating the platform’s advanced features.

ClickFunnels takes it a step further with 24/7 support, a detailed knowledge base, and a large community of users. The platform also offers numerous case studies and success stories, showcasing how businesses across various industries have leveraged ClickFunnels to grow their revenue.

Pipeline Pro vs ClickFunnels: Which Platform is Right for You?

Best for Small to Medium-Sized Businesses: Pipeline Pro

Pipeline Pro is an excellent choice for small to medium-sized businesses that need a highly customizable sales funnel builder. If your business requires specific features that aren’t typically found in pre-designed templates, or if you prefer a one-time payment option, Pipeline Pro offers the flexibility and control you need.

Best for High-Traffic Businesses and Entrepreneurs: ClickFunnels

ClickFunnels is ideal for businesses that prioritize ease of use and speed. If you’re an entrepreneur or a high-traffic business looking to scale quickly, ClickFunnels’ user-friendly interface, extensive templates, and built-in marketing tools make it the best choice. The platform’s subscription model might be more costly, but the time saved and the potential revenue increase can easily justify the investment.

Final Verdict

Choosing between Pipeline Pro vs ClickFunnels ultimately depends on your business’s specific needs. If customization, control, and cost-effectiveness are your priorities, Pipeline Pro is the way to go. However, if you need a platform that is easy to use, quick to set up, and comes with a comprehensive feature set, ClickFunnels is the better option.

Both platforms offer robust tools for building sales funnels, and your choice should be guided by your business goals, technical expertise, and budget. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each platform, you can make an informed decision that will help you maximize your online marketing efforts and drive business growth.